The Snæfellsnes Regional Park was established in 2014, as a platform for co-operation between the municipalities, the people of Snæfellsnes and major players in the regional economy.

The cooperation is based on the Snæfellsnes Regional Plan 2014-2026, with the mutual vision to strengthen the region’s economy, maintain the health of its ecosystems, support a vibrant culture and contribute to the well-being of inhabitants. They have set objectives towards that vision, based on the four pillars of sustainable development; ecological, social, economic and cultural.
The objectives address all major economic sectors; farming, fishing, industry and tourism; and different fields – education, research, business and product development as well as land-use, natural resources, ecosystems and landscape.
The Regional Park executes the objectives of the regional plan. It offers assistance to all who want to join Snæfellsnes on a journey through the strength of our landscape, the warmth of our people to bring the Snæfellsnes brand alive. To participants who sign the Snæfellsnes Regional Charter, we offer our Brand Book and Brand assets, flags, plaques, labels „sourced in Snæfellsnes“ and regular Snæfellsnes Producers Masterclasses.
We have created a toolbox for local operators in order to help them think about their regional heritage in terms of opportunities for economic and product development as well as social and cultural value creation.
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