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Past events

Mugison is touring Iceland and performing in 100 churches in 100 postal codes.
He will be performing in the idyllic black church in Búðir and the beautiful Ingjaldshóll church on the 8th of December. The performance in Búðir starts at 2pm and the one in Ingjaldshóll starts at 8pm.

Guðrún Árný
Icelandic singer and pianist Guðrún Árný performs in Stykkishólmur Church.

Rökkurdagar is a cultural festival in Grundarfjörður, celebrated each year in October and November.

Danskir dagar
Local town festival in Stykkishólmur.
The weekend will be packed with family-friendly fun and activities – and you are welcome to join the party!

Á góðri stund
Local town festival in Grundarfjörður.
The weekend will be packed with family-friendly fun and activities – and you are welcome to join the party!

Bríet is performing in Grundarfjörður on July 18. One of the biggest pop stars in Iceland.

Júníus Meyvant
Júníus Meyvant is a popular Icelandic musician, performing in The Freezer Hostel in Rif on July 17.

Sandara- og Rifsaragleði
Local town festival in Hellissandur and Rif.
The weekend will be packed with family-friendly fun and activities – and you are welcome to join the party!

Ásgeir Trausti
Ásgeir Trausti is an Icelandic singer-songwriter and musician who will be touring Iceland this summer.
He will perform in The Freezer Hostel in Rif on June 28.

Snæfellsjökull Glacier Run
A popular 22km trail run across the Snæfellsnes Peninsula.
Once voted the best trail run in Iceland, the run starts at the idyllic village Arnarstapi and ends in Ólafsvík. Mystical Snæfellsjökull glacier dominates the landscape and the area is one of Iceland’s most popular tourist attractions.

Icelandic National Day
Icelandic National Day is an annual holiday in Iceland which commemorates the foundation of the Republic of Iceland on 17 June 1944.
Celebrations and local gatherings in municipalities throughout the Snæfellsnes Peninsula. Great day to meet the inhabitants and enjoy local festivals.

Sátan Metal Festival
Sátan is a three day metal festival in Stykkishólmur. The festval focuses on offering a variety of Iceland’s best metal bands as well as a carefully curated selection of international bands.

Fisherman’s Day
We celebrate the Fisherman’s Day in honour of the brave people who have worked hard to support Iceland’s main industry and lifeline.
On Fishermen’s Day, family-friendly celebrations take place in towns and municipalities in the Snæfellsnes Peninsula, with typical festivities including boat rides, speeches and dances and various other nautical on the waterfront.

Local town festival in Ólafsvík. The weekend will be packed with family-friendly fun and activities – and you are welcome to join the party!

Danskir dagar
Vantar lýsingu

Snæfellsjökull Glacier Run
A popular 22km trail run across the Snæfellsnes Peninsula.
Once voted the best trail run in Iceland, the run starts at the idyllic village Arnarstapi and ends in Ólafsvík. Mystical Snæfellsjökull glacier dominates the landscape and the area is one of Iceland’s most popular tourist attractions.

Icelandic National Day
Icelandic National Day is an annual holiday in Iceland which commemorates the foundation of the Republic of Iceland on 17 June 1944.
Celebrations and local gatherings in municipalities throughout the Snæfellsnes Peninsula. Great day to meet the inhabitants and enjoy local festivals.

Fisherman’s Day
We celebrate the Fisherman’s Day in honour of the brave people who have worked hard to support Iceland’s main industry and lifeline.
On Fishermen’s Day, family-friendly celebrations take place in towns and municipalities in the Snæfellsnes Peninsula, with typical festivities including boat rides, speeches and dances and various other nautical on the waterfront.

Bjartmar Guðlaugsson
Live music in the Freezer Hostel with one of the most iconic musicians in Iceland, Bjartmar Guðlaugsson.

Stykkishólmur Cocktail Weekend
Stykkishólmur Cocktail Weekend will be celebrated during the Easter holiday in 2023.

Júlíana – hátíð sögu og bóka
Vantar lýsingu.

Grand opening of a Visitor Centre for the Snæfellsjökull National Park
A long awaited grand opening for a new Visitor Center for the Snæfellsjökull National Park will be held March 24th.

The Northern Wave Film Festival
The Northern Wave International Film Festival was founded in 2007 and takes place in October/November each year. The Northern Wave weekend consist of a numerous screenings of a variety of international short films. The program also includes a lecture from a professional from the film industry, a fish soup competition at the local fish market and numerous concerts and events during the weekend.

Emmsjé Gauti
A part of The Northern Wave Film Festival, rapper Emmsjé Gauti performs on the festival Saturday in the Freezer Hostel, November 12th. This is the best way to get the blood flowing after all the movie-watching we’ll be doing, so we ask you to come join us for a dance.

Northern Lights Festival in Stykkishólmur
The cultural festival is usually held in October or November and enlivens the dark winter days, where townspeople and visitors have the opportunity to rejoice together and enjoy cultural events. The festival is mostly devoted to music, drama and art.

A yearly food festival in Langaholt focusing on various dishes of Icelandic cuisine “bjúga”.

Concert with Icelandic musician Mugison in Stykkishólmur.

Rökkurdagar cultural festival
Rökkurdagar is the Cultural Festival in Grundarfjörður which takes place every year in October.

Songs of Leonard Cohen
Icelandic musician Daníel Hjálmtýsson plays songs by Leonard Cohen in two concerts in the little black church of Búðir.

Sóli Hólm
A stand-up comedy in Grundarfjörður with Icelandic comedian, Sóli Hólm.

Concert with one of the biggest pop stars in Iceland in the Freezer Hostel.

West Iceland’s Pride Festival
West Iceland’s Pride Festival in Ólafsvík July 22 – 24th 2022.
The weekend will be packed with family friendly fun and activities. The festival will draw colourful rainbows and a huge crowd to the seaside village. The big Pride Parade on Saturday is a special highlight.

Á góðri stund í Grundarfirði
Locals in Grundarfjörður celebrate their annual town festival on the last weekend in July.
Á góðri stund is usually translated as Good Times in Grundarfjörður, which does the festival justice! The town event offers fun activities for the whole family, ranging from art exhibitions to music concerts.

Concert with Eurovision-stars Systur in the Freezer Hostel.

Town festival in Rif and Hellissandur
Local town festival in Hellissandur and Rif. The weekend will be packed with family-friendly fun and activities – and you are welcome to join the party!

Blood Harmony
Concert with musicians and siblings Örn Eldjárn, Ösp Eldjárn and Björk Eldjárn.